Monday, September 1, 2008

The way back "Zurueckweg"

At least "the way back" was what i understood of Tilman grumbling (in German). But reading his version maybe i misunderstood him.
I followed the way back.
First literally, like Tilman, looking at older drawings, this looking back is already going back, (may be going down the drain).

I found this drawing of a person half way between the pages of a book.

This drawing says: you are text, a person reduced to being text. But also: disappearing as text, the way back could be: becoming a person again.
This drawing is more intermediate, it has no direction, just a conclusion, that we humans, at the moment, are more textual than "human", whatever that is supposed to mean....
This theme has a funny aspect: how to be sure that the way shown is "going back", and looking behind is always a bit taking this backwards direction and so becoming going ahead....

Then I found a drawing of turbulence, and made another turbluence drawing, but not so good, with a way leading into this turbulence, but again is this going back, or going ahead???

Why is the second turbulence not so good? In fact the first turbulence has transparent whirlpools in it, making it more 3D. The second stays to much in the plane, the turbulence does not get to the lightness of the first turbulence. Later on a made other drawings in a very light tone, the turbulence parts of course.

I found another drawing, rather big, with a back of a person, it was not finished, somehow it lacked a clue. But with the idea in mind of the way "back", in German, the word back is in the wordcomposition, i could finish this drawing! Zurueckweg means going-back-way, because the word for back, Ruecke is preceeded by Zu-, like in dutch where "terug" means "in the direction of going back", actually it means more then only direction, for instance in giving back..In fact, fulfilling the theme i should show the first unfinished version too, i will, when i have found a picture of it, since the real picture has changed...going back is impossible in reality. It is only possible in memory, and then it is always transformed. This is the second way in which the theme is misleading: we can go ahead, we can never go back :-).

The next theme i propose is "German drawing". This is related to a discussion we had about art sometimes being bound to a region, a land, the local art, sometimes being universal. Universal art can have been made everywhere, by anyone.


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